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Helppo palautus ja vaihto

Are you planning to get engaged in the next few years? If so, you may be wondering what the engagement ring trends will be for 2023. Here’s a sneak peek at what jewelry trends we think will be popular…

Rings with colored gemstones are going to be big in 2023. Rubies, sapphires, and emeralds will all be popular choices. Diamonds will still be popular, but we predict that more couples will choose to go with a colored stone as their main diamond alternative.

Black gold is also going to make a comeback in a big way. rose gold has been dominating the engagement ring market for a while now, but black gold is set to make a serious comeback in 2023. If you’re looking for something unique and different, black gold may be the perfect choice for you!

The rise of lab-grown diamonds

With the emergence of lab-grown diamonds, the jewelry industry has seen a huge transformation. Lab-grown diamonds are actually manmade but exhibit identical properties to naturally mined Diamonds. They provide an ethical and more affordable alternative to mined diamonds, as well their production does not harm the environment. Because of their affordability, many people are now able to afford diamonds that were previously inaccessible to them due to price. As awareness grows about the environmental benefits of lab-grown Diamonds, their demand is sure to shoot up in no time and could potentially replace mined diamonds in the near future.

Unique and interesting diamonds and gemstone shapes

Unique and interesting stone shapes for your future diamond ring can be seen all over the world, from the incredible grandeur of Stonehenge in England to the curious geological formations in places like the Mush Mahal in northern India. One of the most remarkable kinds of rock formations is that which feature a concentric appearance, such as those seen at Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland. These basalt columns come together to form an almost honeycomb structure and look strikingly similar to the steps found at Machu Picchu in Peru. Other shapely stones of note include tabletop rock formations like Elephant Rock located on Bondi Beach, Australia; hoodoos or pinnacles, such as those found in Bryce Canyon National Park; and naturally-occurring arches like Landscape Arch located within Arches National Park in Utah. With so many extraordinary spectacles around us, it’s no wonder why these creative formations have captivated visitors for centuries.

Bold and bright-colored gemstones

Bold and bright-colored gemstones have been an eye-catching part of fashion for centuries. A beautiful emerald, a mysterious sapphire, or a majestic ruby can bring a sense of excitement and flare to any piece of jewelry. From necklaces to rings, bold and brightly colored gemstones are the perfect accessories for taking any look to the next level – subtly giving it some unexpected pizzazz. Colors from simple blues and greens to deep purples and reds, these stones can bring elegance and flair – as well as investment potential – to one’s collection.

Stackable rings becoming more popular

Stackable rings are an increasingly popular jewelry trend that offers a great way to express an individual spin on personal style. Although these seemingly simple items started gracing magazines and boutiques relatively recently, their origin can be traced way back to ancient Greece and Rome. This type of ring is considered perfect for creative experimentation as it needs no special skill to make unique combinations: simply choose the colors and shapes you like and leave the styling rest to your imagination. As stackable rings become more popular, jewelry designers have introduced bolder colors, interesting textures, and modern designs allowing more people to enjoy this fashion trend in search of special statement pieces with layers of colors, gems, and metals that complement each other.

Simple and dainty jewelry and rings are still in style

In a day and age marked by complex technological marvels, it can be easy to forget that it is the simple, timeless designs that withstand the test of time. Despite modern trends coming and going quickly, those classic, fine designs remain relevant today and in the future. Whether we’re talking about a piece of clothing or an appliance, their simple and fine craftsmanship proves that sometimes less is more when it comes to fashion or making our lives easier. A good rule of thumb is that if something looks good now, it will likely look good in decades – regardless of what’s in vogue at the moment!

It is evident that the jewelry industry is changing and adapting to new trends. Lab-grown diamonds are an example of this, as they provide a more ethical alternative to mined diamonds. Additionally, unique stone shapes, brightly colored gemstones, and stackable rings are becoming increasingly popular among consumers. However, it is important to note that simple and delicate designs are still fashionable and sought-after by many people. The jewelry industry is constantly evolving, so it will be interesting to see what new trends emerge in the future. I will do everything I can to create unique jewelry designs for you year after year.

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Arvostamme yksityisyyttäsi

Käytämme tällä sivustolla evästeitä mukauttaaksemme käyttökokemustasi ja analysoidaksemme liikennettämme. Napsauttamalla "Hyväksyn" hyväksyt kaikkien evästeiden käytön.

Julie Abelstedt
Voita 500 € koruja
Annan joka kuukausi ostosmatkan onnekkaalle Abelstedt Clubin jäsenelle. Rekisteröidy alla ja osallistu kuukausittaiseen kilpailuun.
Löydä sormuksen koko
Koko Sisähalkaisija (mm) Sisäympärysmitta (mm) US koko UK koko
XXXS 16.3 52 6 L
XXS 17.0 54 7 N
XS 18.0 57 8 P
S 18.8 60 9 R
M 19.6 62 10 T
L 20.4 65 11 V
XL 21.2 67 12 X
XXL 21.8 70 13 Z
Miten mitata


1. Ota mukaan mittanauha, naru tai paperiliuska.

2. Kiedo se sen sormen ympärille, jossa käytät sormusta – jos olet luomassa sormuspinoa, mieti, mihin kohtaan sormusta sormessasi sormus istuu – ja merkitse kynällä, mihin se liittyy.

3. Aseta naru tai paperiliuska tasaiselle alustalle ja mittaa pituus viivoittimella merkkiin asti. Käytä yllä olevaa taulukkoa sovittaaksesi mitat lähimpään Abelstedtin sormuskokoon.

Measure finger for ring size

Mittaa olemassa oleva rengas

1. Valitse sormus, joka sopii jo valmiiksi hyvin sormeen.

2. Mittaa renkaan sisähalkaisija millimetreinä (mm).

3. Käytä yllä olevaa mittataulukkoa sovittaaksesi sormuksesi koon lähimpään Abelstedt-kokoon millimetreinä.

Measure ring size
Abelstedt Blue Box

Abelstedtin lahjavinkit

  • Jos olet kokojen välillä, valitse suurempi koko, jos sormus on leveä, ja pienempi koko, jos sormus on kapea.
  • Kokotaulukon kahden seuraavan koon välillä ei ole suurta eroa. Jos olet epävarma, kuuntele vaistoasi. Voit aina vaihtaa koon helpon palautusprosessimme kautta.


Asiakaspalvelumme on aina valmis auttamaan. Keskustele kanssamme suorassa lähetyksessä tai lähetä meille sähköpostia.

Löydä sormuksen koko
Koko Sisähalkaisija (mm) Sisäympärysmitta (mm) US koko UK koko
XXS 15.3 48 4.5 I
XS 15.9 50 5.5 K
S 16.5 52 6 L
M 17.3 54 7 N
L 17.7 56 7.5 O
XL 18.5 58 8.5 Q
XXL 19.1 60 9 S
Miten mitata


1. Ota mukaan mittanauha, naru tai paperiliuska.

2. Kiedo se sen sormen ympärille, jossa käytät sormusta – jos olet luomassa sormuspinoa, mieti, mihin kohtaan sormusta sormessasi sormus istuu – ja merkitse kynällä, mihin se liittyy.

3. Aseta naru tai paperiliuska tasaiselle alustalle ja mittaa pituus viivoittimella merkkiin asti. Käytä yllä olevaa taulukkoa sovittaaksesi mitat lähimpään Abelstedtin sormuskokoon.

Measure finger for ring size

Mittaa olemassa oleva rengas

1. Valitse sormus, joka sopii jo valmiiksi hyvin sormeen.

2. Mittaa renkaan sisähalkaisija millimetreinä (mm).

3. Käytä yllä olevaa mittataulukkoa sovittaaksesi sormuksesi koon lähimpään Abelstedt-kokoon millimetreinä.

Measure ring size
Abelstedt Blue Box

Abelstedtin lahjavinkit

  • Jos olet kokojen välillä, valitse suurempi koko, jos sormus on leveä, ja pienempi koko, jos sormus on kapea.
  • Kokotaulukon kahden seuraavan koon välillä ei ole suurta eroa. Jos olet epävarma, kuuntele vaistoasi. Voit aina vaihtaa koon helpon palautusprosessimme kautta.


Asiakaspalvelumme on aina valmis auttamaan. Keskustele kanssamme suorassa lähetyksessä tai lähetä meille sähköpostia.

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